Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

tugas soft kill 3 DIRECT and INDIRECT speech

Pengertian direct dan indirect


In the sentence immediately, we repeated the utterance the speaker (speakers) exactly the same. Direct sentences are typically used in conversation in the book, drama, or in parentheses.


Direct to indirect changes in the statement marked with 'that'.
Direct sentences that reporting his sentence has the form of present tense verbs (simple present, present continuous, and present perfect or future tense) then no change tenses in the reported sentence in the form of (indirect). This usually occurs if:
1. Reported an ongoing conversation
2. Reading the letter and report on what the letter
3. Reading the command and immediately report it in time
4. Reported statements that often appear

Contoh kalimat

1. He said to me, “Are you going away today?”
2. He asked me , “can you come along?”
3.  She says to her friend, ” I have been writing “.
4. She has told you, ” I am reading “.
5.  She will say, ” You have done wrongly “.

1. He asked me whether I was going away that day.
2. He asked me if I could come along.
3. She has told you that he is reading.
4. She will tell them that the boy wasn’t lazy.
5. She says to her friend that he has been writing

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011


Theory about active and passive sentence
-          Active voice is the sentence that accompanied the transitive verb with the subject in front of verbs such as actors who perform an act.
-          Passive voice is a form of the verb phrase that accompanied the three (Past Participle) describe the thing done (by the perpetrator)

Example active sentence
1.       We eat rice every day
2.       You drink milk every day
3.       They lock the gate every night
4.       The Teacher is explaining the lessons
5.       The Students is writing a story

Example passive sentence
1.       Rice is eaten every day
2.       Milk is drunk every day
3.       The gate is locked every night by them
4.       The lessons is being explained by teacher
5.       A story is written by the students

Article about Active and Passive

Whether you admit it or not, music imbeds our daily life, weaving its beauty and emotion through our thoughts, activities and memories.  So if you're interested in music theory, music appreciation, Beethoven, Mozart, or other composers, artists and performers, we hope you'll spend some time with here and learn from these music articles of note for all ages and tastes.
When I first started studying the history of music, I did not realize what I was getting into. I had thought that music history was somewhat of a trivial pursuit. In fact, I only took my history of classical music class because I needed  the credits. I did not realize how completely fascinating music history is. You see, in our culture many of us do not really learn to understand music. For much of the world, music is a language, but for us it is something that we consumed passively.  When I began to learn about the history of Western music, however, it changed all that for me. I have had some experience playing musical instruments, but I have never mastered one enough to really understand what music is all about. This class showed me.

When most of us think about the history of music, we think of the history of rock music. We assume that the history is simple because the music is simple. In fact, neither is the case. The history of music, whether you're talking about classical music, rock music, jazz music, or any other kind, is always complicated. New chord structures are introduced bringing with them new ways of understanding the world. New rhythmic patterns are introduced, bringing with them new ways of understanding time. And music reflects all of it.

Even when the class was over, I could not stop learning about the history of music. It had whetted my appetite, and I wanted more. I got all the music history books that I could find. I even began to research forms of music that had not interested me before in the hopes of enhancing my musical knowledge further. Although I was in school studying toward something very different – a degree in engineering – I had thought about giving it up and going back to get a degree in musicology. That is how much I am fascinated by the subject.

If you have never taken a course in the history of music, you don't know what you are missing out on. The radio will never sound the same to you again. Everything will seem much more rich, much more luminous, and much more important. A new song can reflect a new way of being, and a new way of imagining life in the world. This is what learning about the history of music means to many of us.

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

tugas bahasa inggris 2

Teori adverbial clause

Adverbial Clause adalah Clause (anak kalimat) yang berfungsi sebagai Adverb, yakni menerangkan kata kerja.
Adverbial Clause biasanya diklasifikasikan berdasarkan "arti/maksud" dari Conjunction (kata penghubung yang mendahuluinya).
Jenis-jenis Adverbial Clause antara lain:
1. Clause of Time
Clause yang menunjukkan waktu. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti after, before, no sooner, while, as, dll.
  1. Shut the door before you go out.
  2. You may begin when(ever) you are ready.
  3. While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
  4. By the time I arrive, Alex will have left.
  5. No sooner had she entered than he gave an order.
2. Clause of Place
Clause yang menunjukkan tempat. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction seperti where, nowhere, anywhere, wherever, dll.
  1. They sat down wherever they could find empty seats
  2. The guard stood where he was positioned.
  3. Where there is a will, there is a way.
  4. Where there is poverty, there we find discontent and unrest.
  5. Go where you like.
3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause yang menunjukkan adanya pertentangan antara dua kejadian atau peristiwa yang saling berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, dll.
  1. As the time you were sleeping, we were working hard.
  2. Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
  3. Although it is late, we'll stay a little longer.
  4. He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause yang menunjukkan cars bagaimana suatu pekerjaan dilakukan atau peristiwa terjadi. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunction (kata penghubung) seperti as, how, like, in that, dll.
  1. He did as I told him.
  2. You may finish it how you like.
  3. They may beat us again, like they did in 1978.

5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan maksud/tujuan dan hasil. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan kata penghubung seperti (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, dll.
  1. They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
  2. She bought a book so (that) she could learn English
  3. He is saving his money so that he may take a long vacation.
  4. I am working night and day in the hope that I can finish this book soon.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause yang menunjukkan hubungan sebab dan akibat. Ada beberapa pola membentuk Clause jenis ini. Perhatikan baik-baik.
  1. Ryan ran so fast that he broke the previous speed record.
  2. It was so cold yesterday that I didn't want to swim.
  3. The soup tastes so good that everyone will ask for more.
  4. The student had behaved so badly that he was dismissed from the class.
7. Clause of Condition
Clause yang menunjukkan adanya persyaratan antara dua kejadian (peristiwa) yang berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunctions seperti if, even if, unless, in the even that, or in even that, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), dll.
  1. If I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.
  2. She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her.
  3. Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have enough insurance to cover such a loss.
  4. In case a robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be notified at once.
  5. The company will agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is called off at once.
  6. We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary information.